Whilst on holiday in Cornwall, I was staying in Newquay.
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Tree-mallow, Lavatera arborea |
Tree-mallow, Lavatera arborea |
Tree-mallow, Lavatera arborea is pictured below, growing alongside a tarmac track. This shrub-like biennial produces leaves with 5-7 rounded-lobes, spreading from their centre like fingers on a hand. This analogy assists with remembering that leaf lobes which radiate from their centre are classified as 'palmate' lobes. The leaves of Tree-mallow are folded in a similar way to a fan, and are velvety to the touch because of being covered by soft hairs.
As the top photograph shows, Tree-mallow has a stout, woody stem. This species does produce purple-pink flowers of 3-5cm length, but not until late April during the second year of its growth. The distribution of tree-mallow is limited to coastal regions up to 150m above sea level, and is typically found growing on waste ground, such as this track-side site.
Silverweed, Potentilla anserina |
Potentilla anserina is a perennial species with pinnate (oppositely arranged) leaflets. Its toothed leaflets are distinctively silvery-green in colour, with a conspicuous silver-white colour on their underside. As with Tree-mallow, Silverweed also has downy leaves (i.e. they are covered in soft, fine hairs), which causes them to be silky to the touch. In this case, these hairs also give the leaves their silvery sheen. When in flower, Silverweed produces 5-petalled yellow flowers. This species grows best on neutral soil in open grassland, wasteground and roadsides.
Teasel, Dipsacus fullonum
Wild teasel,
Dipsacus fullonum shown on the right, has concave leaves which form a basal rosette. Its leaves are situated on short stalks and water is able to pool in a 'cup' where they all meet. When this biennial herb produces its prickly stalk in the second (and last) year of growth, it grows up to 2m in height. The flower of teasel may appear similar to that of a thistle, but its leaves lack such spiky edges. Instead, teasel's leaves have swollen prickles on their upperside, and along the midrib of their underside. This species grows primarily on dry soils in lowlands that are neutral to basic. It is commonplace alongside roads, woodland and fields, particularly those prone to human disturbance.
Ivy-leaved speedwell, Veronica hederifolia |
This intriguing verge-side habitat also supported several Ivy-leaved speedwell,
Veronica hederifolia individuals. This annual has palmately lobed leaves, which appear similar in shape to those of an ivy plant, and generally have 5 lobes. The leaves of Ivy-leaved speedwell are oppositely positioned up its stem, and at ~1.5cm in length, are longer than the stems they are fixed on. As with all speedwells, the ivy-leaved variety produces blue flowers. The stem and leaves are also profously hairy, as shown in the photograph to the right. Ivy-leaved speedwell is most commonly found on waste ground, open woodland and along the edge of hedgerows.
Ivy-leaved toadflax, Cymbalaria muralis |
The next day, we took a daytrip to Trelissick gardens located on the Fal estuary. This land was owned by the National Trust and was well kept, not only hosting naturalized plants, but a vast array of natural species. On the way into the gardens, a Ivy-leaved toadflax,
Cymbalaria muralis individual grew climbing up and along a stone wall, shown in the photograph to the right. This hairless perennial has leaves of ~2.5cm length, which are situated on long stems. Similarly to ivy-leaved speedwell, the palmately-lobed leaves of ivy-leaved toadflax resemble those of ivy, as their common names suggest. Ivy-leaved toadflax produces solitary flowers, which range from white to lilac, all the way through to violet in colour.
This low growing plant is adapted to grow on shaded rocks and other sites with shallow substrate, which do not readily collect water.
Navelwort, Umbilicus rupestris |
Umbilicus rupestris has circular leaves attached by stems from their centre. This species is aptly named after the unmistakable navel-like 'dimples' in its leaves. The evergreen leaves of this perennial are 1-7cm across and are edged by rounded teeth. To the touch, Navelwort's leaves are of fleshy-texture, and are smooth and shiny in appearance. In summer, Navelwort plants produce cream coloured flowers on a long spike. This plant often grows on shaded rocks and walls in the SW of Britain, particularly those which are neutral to acidic. It is shown in the photograph to the right growing from a moss-clad wall.
On the way out of the gardens, we passed a flower rich meadow hosting bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Daisy, Bellis perennis and Lesser Celandine, Ranunculus ficaria among some naturalized plants. There were several Common dog-violet, Viola riviniana plants growing in this artificially sown sward. The leaves of Common dog-violet are situated on long stems, which support 2 narrow stipules (leaf like appendages growing at the base of the leaf stalk). This species of violet has a characteristic pale cream 'spur' jutting out from the back of its flower, as shown in the photograph below. In the wild, Common dog-violet is usually found on neutral to basic soils in woodland, scrub and short grassland.
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Common dog-violet, Viola riviniana |
Fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris |
This site also accommodated an abundance of
Fritillaria meleagris plants. This erect and hairless perennial grows to 20-40cm in height and has a few alternate leaves growing from its stem. Fritillary plants also have a solitary attractive, and drooping flower. Its flower is typically checkered pink and brown-purple, yet can sometimes be entirely white, as shown in the top left of the photograph below. They are native to meadows, particularly those which become inundated during the winter months. This was the first time I had set eyes on so many Fritillaries in one place, and was certainly a reason to visit more meadows in the future.
Fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris
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